Hi Momma!

What’s in your prenatal? 💊
It’s something we all (hopefully) know we need to take, but do you know how to pick the right one?
The most important things to know:
1. Are the dosages effective?
Too often I see prenatal vitamins (and vitamins generally) that contain such minute dosages that you’re getting zero-to-no effect.
Not sure what dose you need of each vitamin/micronutrient?
That’s what your naturopath is here for 😉
2. Is the brand reliable?
There are SO many brands out there! And what drives me crazy about natural health products is that there is very little regulation around them. So brands get away with a lot.
For example, did you know a study found that many popular brands contained NONE of the active ingredient they were advertised to have?!?!?
Aka a vitamin C capsule contain 0% vitamin C.
That’s not only bad for your health—especially during pregnancy when you NEED to get your dose—but it’s also a terrible waste of money.
Tbh if you’re buying supplements at GNC, Popeyes, Walmart, Costco or the drug store—without consulting with a professional—you’re probably getting ripped off.
3. Are the vitamins in the most useable form?
Is the B6 in the P5P form?
Does it need to be?
How about the folate? Is it folic acid or 5-MTF?
Do you need it to be?
Don’t know what any of that means? Ask me!
4. What OTHER ingredients are in your prenatal?
Ok so one of the main ones I see patients on is ‘Pregvit’.
Cuz your doctor’s office probably had a sample of it.
So we’ll bypass that I don’t like the dosages or the forms of the vitamins. (that iron is rough on your tummy, right?!)
Let’s look at the non-medicinal ingredients.
Multiple food dyes, ammonium hydroxide, talc, shellac glaze (not quite the same as your nail polish—but it can make it hard for you to break down the pill).
Fun fact: I can recommend you a number of brands that manage to manufacture their prenatals without all that added garbage.
Why something like food dye needed to be put in is just a mystery to me. Give me a colourless supplement any day…who cares? 🤷🏼♀️
Curious how to pick a good prenatal for you and baby? Book your Ontario-only virtual appointment HERE
Want to get started on preparing for motherhood during pregnancy? Join The Mother Method HERE
I want you to feel prepared as you enter motherhood with all the right info!
Until next time,